Woolly Farms: Fresh Food Movement

Designing a fresh food movement to give perishables new life. By reimagining existing food systems. To help create a New Earth, focussing on freshness and health as core values and the impact of how we grow/what we eat on our future and the planet.
To feed a potential population of 9 billion people we need a new, self sustainable food system, free of food miles, chemicalisation and cultural habits. Where consumers become producers, adopt natural agri-ways. The New Earth movement helps realise this, by changing the way we grow, eat, live.
The New Earth Movement is catalysing innovative supply models, scientific practices and ways to ensure low food miles, more freshness, better health. Food Labs for culturally relevant/ convenient food choices for people. Agrihoods where fresh produce will be grown, consumed locally.
For consumers, freshness, health and convenience are big influencer when it comes to food choices. The New Earth Campaign with Agrihoods, Food Labs will help create a new culture and a new way to grow, eat and live for the next generation that looks at the world differently.
Giving perishables New Life, by reimagining how we grow, eat, live. A new sustainable food culture.
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